Exclusive subscriber-only podcast episodes
Starting with episode 265 (Part 2), we'll start publishing subscriber-only podcast episodes
After 264 free episodes and over 1.75 million listens, we’re taking IA in a new direction!
To continue producing the best podcast in our industry, we need to become a fully sustainable business. We started IA as a passion project but it's morphed into something far, far more significant. Dr Jake and David now effectively have second jobs as podcast creators, and so to continue offering high-quality and well researched content we need the support of our global listeners.
From August 16th Episode 265, we'll be selecting specific podcasts and will divide them into two halves:
Part 1 will be free for everyone as usual
Part 2 will be exclusive for subscribers to our Patreon only
If you believe in the value and importance of what we’re doing with our podcast and our other channels, please consider subscribing to our Patreon. In turn, our promise to you is that we’ll continue delivering consistent, high quality, entertaining episodes with the biggest names in our field.
What are our Patreon 'tiers' and what's included?
When you join our Patreon you'll need to choose a 'tier' - a tier is a level of membership:
Join if you only want to listen to our podcasts:
Get access to our new subscriber-only episodes (starting on August 16th, Episode 265 - Part 2)
Plus join our FREE IA WhatsApp chat to connect with us and stay up to date
or $540/year
(Pay annually and get 10% off)
Join our Patreon tier if you want to listen to all of our podcasts + get access
all of our extra educational material, private WhatApp chats & more:
- Get access to our subscriber-only episodes (Starting August 16th, Episode 265 Part 2)
- Weekly Injectable Hints & Tips from Dr Jake
- Weekly Business Hints & Tips from David
- Watch selected lectures from global congresses
- Access our IA Library (Our Dropbox folder fill of clinical papers)
- Periodic Instagram Hints & Tips
- Join all eight of our WhatsApp groups for 24/7 support and advice
- Get access to IA Business (business coaching) sessions with David (extra cost)
- Get access to Shadowing Days in clinic with Dr Jake (extra cost)
- Get first invitation to our IA Masterclass days (extra cost)
Try our free 7 day trial before you commit*
*The 7 day trial doesn't give you access to our WhatsApp chats
I'm now a Patreon subscriber - how do I
access the new subscriber-only episodes?
- If you currently listen to our podcasts on Apple Podcasts or another preferred podcast app,
first you'll need to download Spotify for free to listen to these subscriber-only episodes.
- Then log in to Spotify if you already have an account or sign up for free
Step 1
Then log into Patreon via a desktop/laptop or via a mobile internet browser (Not via the Patreon app)
- Click the menu icon on the Patreon home page
- Then click 'Settings'
Step 2
- Click 'More' on the top menu bar
- Then click 'Connected Apps'
NB Not seeing this option?
Click on your name in the bottom-left corner and make sure you are on a patron profile > Then re-start at step 1
Step 3
- Click on the Spotify option under 'App Integrations' & select the 'Connect' button
Step 4
- You’ll be prompted to log in with your Spotify account
If you don’t have a Spotify account, you can sign up for free by clicking on 'Sign up for Spotify'
- Follow the instructions on the screen and click 'Agree'
Step 5
- You’ve now successfully linked your Spotify account to Patreon!
- Now log out and back into Spotify and look for 'Inside Aesthetics'
- You should see a banner at the top of our podcast feed that says: 'Exclusive episodes for subscribers'
- Click here to access our subscriber-only podcasts!
- You'll also notice that if you search for 'Inside Aesthetics',
you'll see what is effectively a second podcast feed and logo: