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o que é a estética interna?

Dear Injectors,

Firstly thank you for your interest in this initiative. Please first let me explain what IA Patreon is and how the 'IA Patreon - Timely' WhatsApp chat started

I'm Dr Jake Sloane, a Sydney-based aesthetic doctor. I also co-host Inside Aesthetics (IA), now the world's most listened to aesthetic and injectables podcast. ​As part of IA, we also run a Patreon account called IA Patreon. (If you've never heard of Patreon, it's a way for creators like podcasts to offer extra bonus content)


IA Patreon is therefore a members-only subscription platform that we run via an app. We help educate injectors, support their businesses and link them into a global community of other amazing injectors. A part of IA Patreon, we also run numerous private different WhatsApp groups (including Social, Injectables, Business, Skin & Devices, Regenerative Medicine) where people share a lot of incredible information. 

Due to the impending (and now enforced!) new AHPRA guidelines, I created a new IA Patreon chat group for our members who also use Timely - to see how we can all learn to best use the software. But it occurred to me, why not make it accessible for non-members of IA Patreon too? This will allow us to unite as an industry, to team up and work with Timely to make things better. 

Working with Timely

spoke to Tamara Reid (Global Head of Timely Partnerships) on July 5th 2023 and she is onboard with this project to try and help us. In short, speaking to Timely as individuals is very ineffectual. Many of us have already reached out to Timely over the years for new features, better processes and it has mostly fallen on deaf ears. This isn't all Timely's fault - we chose to use their software as it was when we signed up. So really, the hope is that we work together better and that we can steer it in a far better direction. 

I propose that we as injectors first decide amongst ourselves in the WhatsApp chat what we need:

1) For Timely to allow us to be compliant as businesses with the AHPRA regulations. (For example, we shouldn't need complicated work arounds to access or download a signed patient consent form)

2) For longer term collaboration with Timely so that it become much more clinical and functional for us


I will present this list to Timely once we all broadly agree on a list of priorities. (I aim to do this in the next 10 day or so)  The more injectors that I can bring together who use Timely, the more ideas we get. But most importantly, the more likely Timely will take our requests seriously.  I am very happy working with others on this to help me, please reach out via the WhatsApp if you are keen.


Ultimately this will come down to a cost vs risk equation for Timely. If they don't see this as a priority, they won't action or put money into it. But then they risk losing our business and there are likely hundred of us. Since Timely don't know how many injectors they have using Timely, I need to collect your details so that Timely can cross reference your Timely accounts and prove that you are all real injectors! 

Please fill out the form below:

What is your qualification?

After clicking submit below, you'll be taken to our IA Patreon page. Feel free to explore how IA Patreon can

help further support your injecting and your business

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